This is what a typical jock looks like! They just might not be a football jock, they can be baseball, soccer, basketball, or even volleyball. Yes girls can be jocks too, you just don't see this as often.
Preppy is another subculture fashion that you see in everyday life. A preppy style is someone who is in middle or upper class. They wear a lot of collared shirts from Ralp Lauren, Hollister, American Eagle, and tons more. Some can get very pricy which is why middle to upper class people are usually considerd to be preppy. Preppy doesn't just mean they wear collared shirts, they wear more classy outfits on the high end. They are very nicely dressed, some can go over the top with the preppiness. The term preppy derives from the expensive pre-college preparatory or prep schools that upper-middle-class children went to. The noun prep has become a colloquialism in the United States and has largely replaced the noun preppy. Preppy fashion started in the 1950's, so this style has been around for a really long time.
Another subculture fashion that I want to talk about is the Emo style. This style is skinny jeans, black as the main color, and band shirts. They also have the black hair thats always in their face and for boys their hair is mostly long. They are influence by their music which would be punk rock, screamo, and rock music. They also can have very weird styles like having random bracelets or an animal hat or different colored hair or even spikey things. The emo style has been around since the 1980's but didn't come into the mainstream fashion culture until the 2000's. For many people the emo style can be very strange and interesting. I think emo people are just expressing themselves like every other person even though it can be in a more loud weird way.

No matter what style or subculture fashion you are into, I think its good to express yourself with your clothes and hairstyles. You should be able to be free to wear what you want and not have people judge you. There are so many different subculture fashions and some styles havent evolved yet!
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